Complete telepsych, digital health, & disease management programs for all mental health & substance use conditions
Our telehealth platform uses remote patient monitoring and predictive analytics to determine when patients are in need of care, and artificial intelligence to match patients with a customized array of condition specific, evidence based resources & supports for improved outcomes at less cost.
What is telepsychiatry?
Telemedicine is the process of providing health care from a distance through technology, often using videoconferencing. Telepsychiatry, a subset of telemedicine, can involve providing a range of services including psychiatric evaluations, therapy (individual therapy, group therapy, family therapy), patient education and medication management.
Telepsychiatry can involve direct interaction between a psychiatrist and the patient. It also encompasses psychiatrists supporting primary care providers with mental health care consultation and expertise. Mental health care can be delivered in a live, interactive communication.
Source: https://www.psychiatry.org/patients-families/what-is-telepsychiatry